E3X-DAC-S colour (RGB) digital fiber

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The E3X-DAC-S detects the colour and returned light intensity of a mark or object and compares it with a stored RGB ratio or intensity value. The RGB ratio or contrast difference allows the stable detection of differently coloured, black, grey or white marks or objects.

  • White LED for colour independence
  • Fast response time of min. 60 μs
  • Timer function for variable ON or OFF delay up to 5 sec
  • Remote teaching or easy one-button teaching

For colour and mark detection use fibers from E32 Special application.


File name
E3X-DAC-S Datasheet
E3X-DAC-S Users Manual
E39-R Reflector Datasheet
Fiber Optic Sensors Guide
Industrial Sensing Guide
XS Y92E Cable Connector Datasheet